Instead, he found himself burdened with a huge sense of responsibility - first to August, but also to the grieving husband, Moore, around whom terrible rumours were circulating. His plan for The Last Days of August had been to interview the people who Twitter-shamed the actress and find out what led them to that moment. Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.'I really enjoyed hanging out on porn sets it was a nice break from my stressful work,' Ronson says ruefully.
It's an investigation by journalist Jon Ronson and producer Lina Misitzis, combining two of Ronson's previous interests - internet pile-ons, the subject of his book, So You've Been Publicly Shamed, and the tech takeover of the porn industry, which he explores in The Butterfly Effect, an audiobook he made with Misitzis. ( Twitter) A story of 'cyber-bullying' reveals far moreĪugust is the subject of a new audiobook, The Last Days of August. This tweet from August Ames was labelled as homophobic by her fellow porn actors.